Our Guest of Honor joined the Rotary Club of Downtown Davao in 2001 which was then an all-female club. As she grew in Rotary, she occupied various key positions in the Club. After 15 years of membership, reluctantly, she became an All-Star president in RY 2016-17.
During her presidency, her Club was awarded the Most Outstanding Club in the district among the 99 clubs in the district. The Club also received three Rotary International Citation Awards. First, was with their service project called “Shelter for Battered Women.” Second, its Rotaract Club got an award for its exemplary performance and third, her husband Archie, received an RI Service Award, recognizing him as one the 50 Most outstanding Spouse in the world.
After her presidency, she started to hold various District positions. She was appointed by Great Team Governor Art Tan as an Assistant Governor of Area 2C handling 5 clubs and at the same time was the Mindanao Chair for Pink October, the breast Cancer Awareness Program. For the Inspiring Team lead by Gov Bing Garcia she retained the position as the Pink October Chair in Mindanao and in that same year she became a member of the gala committee of The One Philippines, an International Humanitarian Award Body chaired by Past RI Director Raffy Garcia. One of the awardees came from our District who was endorsed by Rotary Club of Dadiangas, Dr. Roel Cagape. The spouses are also members of the Board of Trustees in our District 3860 Disaster Management, Inc.
As the DGN then, she had important District responsibilities such as the District Coordinators for the Rotary Presidential Conference 2021 Manila and Empowering Girls Initiative. She also had duties as the District’s Endowment and Major Gifts Sub-Committee Chair.
Believing on the advocacy of The Rotary Foundation, DG Twinkle and spouse Archie are members of the newly Chartered Polio Plus Society, are Endowment Benefactors and Bequest Society. Moreover, the spouses are Arch Klumph Society Trustee Circle members.
Born and raised in Butuan City, she is happily married to Immediate Past President and District Learning Facilitator, Archie Francisco F. Gamboa. They have two grown-up children namely Tym, who is 33 years old, married to Dr. Shey Ongchua and has a grandson – Aaron Travis who is now 3 years Old. Her daughter Mariane is 27 years old and recently got married to Alvin Mosquisa last March 3.
All throughout her life as a Rotarian and as a leader, she has always been guided by the Four Way Test and have consistently applied the same even in her personal and professional life. She believes that the values of integrity and dedication are primarily important in any quest one would undertake to build trust and live-up with high moral standards.
She has learned a lot in her Rotary journey and she had consistently, thanked all the Rotarians who have helped and molded her on what she is today.
Fellow Rotarians and Guests, please help me welcome our Hope Creating District Governor, Rozanne “Twinkle” Cocon Gamboa.